WM. J. ESTEP; farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Easton; was born in Menard Co., Ill., Jan. 4,1831; went with his parents to Jasper Co., Mo., in the spring of 1839, and in 1844, to Davis Co., Iowa, and to McDonough Co., Ill., in 1846, and to Crane Creek Township in 1848, where he has since resided; his father. James Estep, and his grandfather, Elijah Estep, were the first owners of the land on which Petersburg, Menard Co., is built; they went there in the spring of 1820. The subject of this sketch married Miss Judith Tomlin July 26, 1855; she was born in Cumberland Co., N. J., Jan. 23, 1835, and came to Mason Co. with her parents, in February, 1864i. Mr. Estep has never taken any very active part in politics, but has held some Township offices, School Trustee, Commissioner of Highways and Supervisor one year, etc.; he owns 362 acres of land and a fine home.